Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm Alive!

After a few months of chaotic, family life and starting another blog, I decided to post here just to let the few of you know that I'm still alive!  LOL

I've been posting a little more regularly on the other blog, which has mostly been about the  orphan crisis and our plans to be involved in ministry with that.  However, I've really missed posting about the kids and other stuff going on in our lives.  With gardening season about to be upon us again and a plan to travel to Africa in May, simplifying our budget and spending is even more important now than it was a few months ago.

SO...I am going to just combine it all into one blog instead of trying to do both.  I'll be posting about everything going on here at the Widhalm house, including kid-related stuff and some new, healthier reciepes we've tried lately.  I hope you'll join me there!  I have actually been a fairly regular blogger on the other site, which is  I even dressed it up an made it look a little cuter!

Hope you'll join me!