Well, here we go! This mom is off and running on a new adventure. I’m excited and a little nervous as well, I have to say. If you’ve been on our website or know us personally, you know that we are a family of five - my husband, Doug, myself and our three beautiful sons; Jackson, Carter and Harrison. I am currently teaching 4th grade at a small, private school and begrudging every minute that I leave my own children at home to take care of someone else’s. So, I think I have finally made the executive decision to quit my job and be a stay-home mom again.
This means a new challenge in beginning to “live beneath our wage”, as Dave Ramsey would say. I’m going to be searching for good deals and learning how to live and be happy with what we have - hopefully less than we have, actually. I have lots of ideas, plans and projects. This blog is going to be the place where I keep track of all that we are doing. I’ll share what works for us and what we’ve tried that doesn’t. I don’t expect to be successful at everything, but I’m looking at this as a new challenge and a new opportunity for my family and I to live the lives that we’ve really always wanted.
My coming home also means we’ll be homeschooling our children. You can find out more about that venture by visiting our website, www.thewidhalmfamily.com and clicking on ‘Widhalm Academy’.
God has truly blessed us! He is amazing and so very faithful - even in spite of us! I’m looking forward to what He has for us and what our new lives have in store! I hope you’ll enjoy sharing our journey! - Jodi
I'm so excited for you. Hopefully that means a few more visits to JC too. :-)