I'm packing our things so that our family (Doug, me and the kids) can move into our new house in a week or so. A year ago, I was unpacking our things (me and the kids) here in this house, which belongs to a friend of mine, trying to sort out whether I had a family or not. It's obviously a very long story that I won't get to the details of now. There are tremendous blessings in the details, though, which I intend to share later as the time seems right.
Suffice it to say, that I have been blessed over the past year to see God truly work miracles in our lives. I'm excited about what our future holds now, which is so much different than what I was feeling a year ago. God is so good and so faithful! I'm amazed.
I do want to share the details one day, in hopes that they will be a blessing for someone and hopefully a blessing to God by giving Him the glory for each thing. Here's a short, simple list. I'm hoping the list will help me remember and keep me focused.
- After being home with the kids for several years, I HAPPEN UPON a job, which means I have to move from West Plains to Springfield (100 miles away +/-).
- A home for the kids and I to live in COMES TO US. Our neighbors are wonderful and so loving toward the kids and me.
- Doug moves to Springfield a few weeks later because of a PROMOTION.
- I find a wonderful church home in Republic Assembly and get ASKED to help with Praise & Worship.
- I start teaching and FIND a wonderful friend, who has just been through a divorce.
- I file for divorce, which leads to much CONVERSATION between Doug & I.
- A friend comes to visit for a few days, when a lot of my "issues" are REVEALED.
- I am LED to quit one small group and join another, where I hear about National Institute of Marriage.
- Court date draws near (4 days away) and I GIVE Doug 40 days to "do something". (No, I hadn't seen the Fireproof movie)
- He MAKES RESERVATIONS for a 4-day intensive at NIM and makes arrangements for kids.
- 5 couples from across the nation and Canada MEET in Branson, MO, and share their lives.
- I'm LED to try a new church, closer to our neighborhood where God SPEAKS the first day I'm there.
- God SPEAKS again, in the 2nd service, which I've INVITED Doug to come to, also.
- We STEP OUT in faith and choose to commit to our family staying together, whatever that looks like as we walk "through the wilderness".
I'll post pictures of the new house when we get there. It's getting hectic here as boxes are piling up. I'm sure the computer will be packed at some point, so it may be a while before I post again.
This verse was a blessing to me this morning:
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
I didn't know you were moving. You're staying in Springfield, right? What a big year you've had!